How MBM is Redefining Accessories
| | For Mary, Founder and Owner of MBM, taking a chance on a small business idea meant taking a big chance on herself. | | | "Our most difficult moments have the potential to become our most meaningful experiences. It takes a little grit and a lot of patience, but the end becomes a priceless part of our life's story." | | To learn more about Mary's Story and MBM's Mission | | | | | | | | | Everything we create empowers you to find connection and embrace your truest self, because the story you wear should be just as beautiful and meaningful as the one in your heart. | | You are receiving this email because you subscribed on our website. No longer want to receive these emails? Unsubscribe
Copyright © 2023, Made by Mary, All rights reserved. 753 W Honda Park Drive Bluffdale, UT 84065 | | | | |
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